First aid is the initial care given to someone who has been injured or is experiencing an unexpected medical emergency. It can be used to help someone who has sustained a minor injury or illness before professional medical help can be obtained. It’s important to know how to help someone in this situation since it can be scary and unfamiliar in the moment. Knowing what to do is crucial before emergency medical services (EMS) are called. There are many common first aid situations that we all should know how to handle before professional help arrives. Some common examples include:- Someone is drowning- Someone is having a seizure- A car accident with injuries that require extrication (removal from the vehicle)- Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)- Heart attack (cardiac arrest)- Stroke (cerebral vascular accident)


Drowning is a very common first aid situation. It happens when someone is submerged in water and can’t breathe. Drowning is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate action. The person who is drowning can’t breathe on their own, so you must assist them in getting air. You must also get them out of the water as quickly as possible so they can breathe.Drowning is a medical emergency because if you don’t get the person breathing as soon as possible, they will drown. Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in children under 5 years old. It’s important to know the signs of drowning because it’s easy to misinterpret them. Drowning victims may exhibit any of the following symptoms:- Loss of consciousness or altered consciousness- Blue lips or skin- Seizures or convulsions- Anxiety- Nausea- Shortness of breath- Disorientation and confusion- A large amount of water in the lungsThe best way to assist someone who is drowning is to get them out of the water as quickly as possible. You can do this by pulling them by the arms and legs in a “recovery” position. If the victim is wearing a life jacket, remove it. If they are wearing scuba gear, remove it.

Cardiac Arrest

A cardiac arrest is a serious medical emergency caused by the sudden and unexpected loss of heart function. Cardiac arrests occur when the heart stops pumping blood and is not able to resume normal function. Cardiac arrests are often preceded by symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or fainting.Cardiac arrests are often preceded by sudden and unexpected symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting, or other irregularities like abnormal heart rhythm. If you see these symptoms, you should call 9-1-1 immediately. Cardiac arrests are a medical emergency that require immediate attention.

Car Accidents with Injuries That Require Extrication

There are many different types of car accidents that require extrication. It is important to know which of these require extrication because they often require specific first aid knowledge. Examples of car accident types that require extrication include:- Pedestrian hit by car- Truck hit by car- Train hit by car- Pedestrian hit by train- Pedestrian hit by van- Pedestrian hit by bus- Pedestrian hit by pedestrian- Pedestrian hit by falling object- Pedestrian hit by motorbike- Pedestrian struck by falling object- Pedestrian struck by another car- Pedestrian struck by pedestrian- Pedestrian struck by motorcycle- Pedestrian struck by bicycle- Pedestrian struck by van- Pedestrian struck by bus- Pedestrian struck by other motor vehicle- Pedestrian struck by falling object- Pedestrian struck by moving object- Pedestrian struck by other pedestrian- Pedestrian struck by other motor vehicle- Pedestrian struck by other moving object- Pedestrian struck by falling object- Pedestrian struck by pedestrian- Pedestrian struck by other motor vehicle- Pedestrian struck by other moving object- Pedestrian struck by falling object- Pedestrian struck by pedestrian- Pedestrian struck by other motor vehicle- Pedestrian struck by other moving object- Pedestrian struck by other falling object- Pedestrian struck by other falling object


A seizure is a sudden, unexpected, and sometimes violent change in behaviour due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures can be caused by epilepsy, a condition that can be treated with medication. A seizure can be a very scary event for the person experiencing it. Seizures are often preceded by changes in behaviour such as talking, eye contact, or repetitive movements.If you see someone having a seizure, do not try to restrain them. You may cause more harm than good. If you are within arm’s length of the person, you can use a seat belt to help them. If they are in the car, you can use the seat belt to help them.


Anaphylaxis is a serious medical emergency that can be life-threatening. It’s often triggered by the introduction of certain substances called “allergens.” Anaphylaxis may be sudden and unpredictable, so you should always be prepared to treat it.If you see someone having an anaphylactic reaction, call 9-1-1 immediately. You should also provide assistance to the person, who will need to remain seated with their head down and their back supported. You should administer oxygen and provide a safe place for the person to recover. You should also provide quick access to medications like epinephrine, which may be injected into the muscle.


First aid is a critical skill for anyone to have, whether at home or in public. It can prevent someone from getting even more hurt and ensure that they receive the medical attention they need. It’s important to know what to do in common first aid situations so that you can provide help when it’s needed most.