As a first aid instructor, I often receive questions about what is considered a “first aid mistake” and why these issues arose in the first place. So, what are some of the most common first aid mistakes that people make? First aid mistakes can be a result of lack of knowledge or lack of confidence in certain skills, or both. However, there are some common first aid mistakes that can be avoided with preparation and practice beforehand. Let’s take a look at some of these common first aid mistakes in more detail.

Not knowing your first aid materials

This is a big one that many people make. You need to know what you are using when providing first aid. This includes knowing what type of bandages are available, what types of splints are available, what type of tourniquets are available, and what other supplies you might need. You also need to know how to properly use these supplies. This includes knowing how to properly put them on and how to remove them when needed. This is important because it can be difficult to remove some materials without causing more harm than good. Knowing what you are using can help you avoid using the wrong materials on a person who might need a certain material and not know it.

Not knowing the right application of materials

This is another one that many people make. For example, you might be wondering why you are applying pressure to a certain part of a person’s body when you aren’t even sure what the part does or why you are applying pressure to it. This can lead to you applying too much pressure or not enough pressure, both of which could be harmful. This is why it is important to know the anatomy of a person so you can better apply the right amount of pressure and know what to look for when assessing a person.

Not having a plan of action before you start first aid

Some people start first aid and don’t have a clear plan of action. This can lead to the person providing first aid getting overwhelmed and making mistakes. For example, if a person has a broken arm and they don’t know how to properly splint it, they might not splint it properly and hurt the person even more. This can be avoided if the person has a plan of action before they start first aid.

Being afraid of doing something wrong

Some people are too afraid to do their best at first aid because they are worried that they might do something wrong. This can lead to a person being too afraid to do their best at first aid and not do anything at all. This is a big mistake because not providing appropriate first aid can lead to someone getting worse and even possibly dying. That’s why it is important to be confident in your skills so you can provide your best help at the time.

Not knowing when to call emergency medical services (EMS)

This is a big one that many people forget. It is important to know when to call EMS, especially if a person is having a life-threatening situation. Certain injuries and conditions require immediate help and the person needs to be transported to a medical facility as soon as possible.This is because these injuries and conditions can quickly get worse, so the person needs to be transported right away.

Summing up

The last thing to mention is that if you are providing first aid and you are unsure if a certain action is right, you should ask the person to make sure. This can avoid you making mistakes and potentially harming the person. This is something that all first aid instructors always recommend, but it is especially important if you are learning as a new first aid learner.