The first aid kit is an essential item for almost any home. Even if you don’t know how to perform CPR or use an AED – these are the primary reasons for having a kit in your home – there are other first aid items that will come in handy in case of a medical emergency. While it’s important to have access to more specialized first aid treatments, such as CPR, most basic first aid situations can be treated with a few common household items. Below are some examples of first aid situations where you can use common household items in place of specialized first aid treatments –

Wounds and Bites

Wounds and bites can cause a lot of damage, especially if they are infected. If you are in a situation where you are unsure whether a wound is infected or not, it is best to clean it out with water and soap in order to see what’s inside. If you see any sign of pus or other infections, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you are dealing with a bite from a poisonous animal, wash the bite with soap and water as soon as possible. If you can, cover the bite with a bandage and put ice on it. You can use any of the below items as a bandage if you don’t have a bandage on hand.If you are dealing with a poisonous animal bite that you weren’t able to wash out or put a bandage on, you can use baking soda as a counter-agent. Baking soda will neutralize the poison and cause it to be expelled from your body.

If you are dealing with a bite from a poisonous animal that you weren’t able to wash out or put a bandage on, you can use baking soda as a counter-agent. Baking soda will neutralize the poison and cause it to be expelled from your body.


Fracture: If you have a broken bone, you will want to ice it as soon as possible. You can use an ice pack or bags of frozen vegetables as an ice pack. You can also use a frozen water bottle to make an ice pack. If you are dealing with a broken bone that is not visible, you can use a tourniquet to stop the blood flow.If you have a sprain, splint the area with an ACE bandage. If the sprain is severe, you may need to apply a splint.

If you have an ankle sprain that has become swollen, use a tennis ball to press your toes into. This will help alleviate the swelling.

If you have a sprain that is restricting your movement, you can use a splint to keep the ankle in place. You can use an ACE bandage to keep the splint from moving around.

Head injury

If you have a head injury, you will want to get the person to a safe location immediately and you will want to apply pressure to the wound. If you can’t get the person to a safe location or if the wound is on the head, you can put a wet towel on the wound to help slow the bleeding.If you suspect that the person has a head injury but they are conscious and alert, you can try to keep them awake. You can use any of the below methods to keep the person awake and aware during the head injury.

If you are dealing with a head injury, you will want to keep the person awake and aware as much as possible. You can use any of the below methods to keep the person awake and aware during the head injury.

If you are dealing with a head injury, you can try not to move the person and to keep them awake. You can use any of the below methods to keep the person awake and aware during the head injury.

If you have a head injury that has caused a loss of consciousness, you must call for emergency assistance. If the head injury is significant, it is best to assume that the person is not going to recover and to call for emergency assistance.


If you are dealing with a large amount of bleeding, you will want to cover the wound with a piece of cloth. You can also use gauze pads, a clean pillowcase or other fabric to cover the wound. You can use duct tape to keep the fabric in place.You can also use a belt or rope to apply pressure to the wound.You can use a clean, white rag and run it along the wound to apply pressure.

If the wound is on the head, you can use a clean pillowcase to cover the wound. You can also use gauze pads, a clean pillowcase or other fabric to cover the wound. You can use duct tape to keep the fabric in place.You can also use a belt or rope to apply pressure to the wound.


If you are dealing with a choking person, you will want to get them to an area where there is nothing that they can fall onto. You can use the below items to create a barrier between the choking person and anything that they may fall onto. You can also use a coat hanger or broomstick to pick up the person and create some distance between them and any hazards.

If the person is choking on a toy, you can use a coat hanger to remove the toy from their mouth.

If you are dealing with a choking person, you will want to get them to an area where there is nothing that they can fall onto. You can use the below items to create a barrier between the choking person and anything that they may fall onto.

If the person is choking on a toy, you can use a coat hanger to remove the toy from their mouth.

If you are dealing with a choking person, you will want to get them to an area where there is nothing that they can fall onto. You can use the below items to create a barrier between the choking person and anything that they may fall onto.

If the person is choking on a toy, you can use a coat hanger to remove the toy from their mouth.

If you are dealing with a choking person, you will want to get them to an area where there is nothing that they can fall onto. You can use the below items to create a barrier between the choking person and anything that they may fall onto.

If the person is choking on a toy, you can use a coat hanger to remove the toy from their mouth.


As you can see, common household items can be used to perform first aid in a variety of situations. If you are unsure of how to perform a particular first aid treatment, you can always look up instructions online or use your first aid kit to learn more about the different treatments.