You may think that you know all there is to know about first aid, but there are probably a few things that you’ve been told that you don’t believe or that you disagree with. Some myths are harmless, but others are just silly misconceptions that can actually get in the way of you helping someone who really needs it. If you believe every one of these myths, then someday someone is going to need your help and you’re not going to be able to do anything for them because you’ve forgotten how to do the basics. Here are some common first aid myths that you should definitely get rid of ASAP if you want to help anyone who needs your help someday.

People can’t get poison ivy from plants.

You may have heard that you can’t get poison ivy from plants. Well, that’s simply not true. You may also have heard that you can wash poison ivy off your skin and rid yourself of it. While that can help rinse it off your skin, it doesn’t actually get rid of it. Instead, you’re just making it easier for it to spread to other areas of your body.

You can only use bandages if you’re sewing a wound.

You may have heard that you can only use bandages if you’re sewing a wound. This isn’t true. You can use bandages to cover wounds to stop them from getting dirt and germs in them. You can also use them if you have a cut that you want to cover up.

Only use gauze if there’s a lot of blood.

You may have heard that you can only use gauze to stop a bleeding wound if there’s a lot of blood. This is not true. You can use gauze to stop a bleeding wound even if it’s not very serious. You can even use it to cover a paper cut if you want to.

Only use a tourniquet for a limb you can see.

You may have heard that a tourniquet can only be used on a limb that you can see. This is not the case. A tourniquet can help stop a blood flow in any limb, even if you can’t see it. It doesn’t matter if the person is awake or not.

Only use a scalpel if you need to remove a lot of skin.

You may have heard that you can only use a scalpel if you need to remove a lot of skin. This, again, is not the case. You can use a scalpel to remove small pieces of skin, and even a band-aid if you need to. You don’t necessarily need to use scissors.

Only use glue if you’re gluing broken bones together.

You may have heard that you can only use glue if you’re gluing broken bones together. This is not the case. You can use glue to close a wound or to close a cut. You can also use it to close a burn. It doesn’t matter what it is that you’re gluing together.

Only use tape if you’re covering a wound.

You may have heard that you can only use tape if you’re covering a wound. This is not actually true. You can use tape to cover a wound or a cut, or you can use it as bandages.


First aid is something that anyone should know how to do. However, there are a lot of myths out there that make it seem unnecessarily complicated. Some of these myths might actually be helpful in certain situations, while others are just silly misconceptions that can get in the way.If you want to help people who need your help someday, you’ll have to get rid of these myths and understand the basics.