A first aid kit is essential for every home, car, office and boat. There isn’t a universal standard for what should be included in a first aid kit. Every kit should be customized to meet the needs of the user. This means that each kit will look slightly different, but there are some basics that are universal. The items listed below are some of the most important parts of any well-rounded first aid kit. Depending on your needs and the hazards present in your area, you can add or remove specific items from this general guide. These kits are meant to be basic and universal, so adjust them as needed for your specific needs and environment.

What’s Included In A Basic First Aid Kit?

All first aid kits should include the following items:

  • Self-sterile gloves
  • Sterile gowns (two per person)
  • Isopropyl (rubber) alcohol 70%
  • Surgical mask
  • Earplugs
  • Non-adhesive bandages (to wrap wounds)
  • Gauze pads (to dress wounds)
  • Sewing kit (disinfectant, thread, etc.)
  • Medical tape (for bandaging)
  • Stethoscope (to listen to heart and lungs)
  • Medical scissors (for minor cuts)
  • Eyewash (to clean eyes)
  • Cotton swabs (for burns)
  • Safety pins (for splinters)
  • Lighter or fire-resistant gloves (for flammable liquids)
  • Eyecups (for eyewash)
  • Adhesive bandages (for large wounds)

Depending on the hazards present in your area, you may also want to add the following items:

  • Antiseptic wipes (for cleaning wounds)
  • Anesthetic (for minor procedures)
  • Wound cleaning brushes (to clean wounds)
  • Bleach (for cleaning wounds)
  • Eye patch (for broken or irritated eyes)
  • Thermometer (to measure body temperature)
  • A c-spine collar (for people with neck injuries)

It is also important to note that each kit should be rotated on a regular basis. This means that you should rotate items from your first aid kit on a regular basis and replace them with fresh supplies. This will help to maintain the quality of the items in your kit and help prevent the buildup of bacteria or other harmful microorganisms.

Protective Equipment

When building your first aid kit, don’t forget the importance of protective equipment. This will help to protect you from potential hazards and prevent you from contracting harmful diseases and infections. Some of the most common protective equipment include: \n - Hand protection – Gloves and hand covers are essential for handling sterile items and protecting your hands from harmful bacteria and viruses. - Eye protection – Eye protection is especially important if you work with chemicals or are near heavy machinery. - Mouth protection – Mouth protection is important for people who handle food or work with harmful substances. - Respiratory protection – Respiratory protection is important for workers in certain industries (such as mining, welding, and construction) or in environments where airborne contaminants are present.

Coats and Gowns

Coats and gowns are important for protecting both the wearer and the patient from blood and fluid exposure. They also help to maintain a sterile environment where you can work with a patient. There are a variety of coats and gowns out there, so it can be difficult to decide which is right for you. In general, you should opt for coats and gowns that are easy to remove, lightweight, and don’t get caught in machinery or other equipment.

Gauze and Tape

Gauze and tape are important tools for cleaning wounds and bandaging injuries. Gauze is useful for cleansing wounds and removing debris, while tape is helpful for bandaging wounds and securing splints and braces. Make sure to select gauze and tape that is soft enough to be used on the human body, but thick enough to support bandages.

Lights, Sounds, and Signs

Light, sound, and signage are helpful tools in the event of an emergency. Light is important for locating supplies and getting around the house in the dark. Signs can help to direct people in an emergency and provide important instructions.


A first aid kit is essential for every home, car, office and boat. There isn’t a universal standard for what should be included in a first aid kit. Every kit should be customized to meet the needs of the user. This means that each kit will look slightly different, but there are some basics that are universal. The items listed below are some of the most important parts of any well-rounded first aid kit. Depending on your needs and the hazards present in your area, you can add or remove specific items from this general guide.