When something goes wrong at work or school, you may not have access to your organization’s full first aid kit. Even so, most employers provide some basic supplies in case of an emergency. If another person is injured or there’s an imminent threat to the safety of anyone at work, you’ll want to know what to do immediately. You may be able to help without any special training, using items found around the office or school grounds like paper towels, bandages, tape, and scissors. If not, read on for instructions on the most important first aid treatments for workplace and school injuries.

Tetanus Shot

If a person is injured and has any sort of wound that exposes them to dirt or infection, they should receive a tetanus shot immediately. This is because tetanus bacteria can be found on animal feces, dust, and soil, and can enter even the cleanest wound. The best way to prevent this is with antibiotics, which can be found in a first aid kit or even a school janitor’s closet. If you administer antibiotics before the patient receives the T-toxin through a shot, they’ll be protected against contracting tetanus from the wound.

Wound Stitching

Wound stitching is one of the most important first aid treatments for non-life-threatening injuries. If a person sustains a cut, you should use a clean, sterile needle and thread to close the wound. The goal is to make the wound as clean and sterile as possible, preventing infection in the future. Depending on the severity of the wound, you may want to use stitches, staples, or even glue. If a person is stabbed, you should attempt to remove the blade, such as with a sewing needle, small pair of scissors, or tweezers, depending on its size. You should also look for signs of nerve damage and try to relieve pressure and pain as much as possible.


A person suffering from a sudden mental health episode or other condition that poses an imminent threat to their safety or the safety of others should be physically restrained. This can be as simple as holding down a person’s arm, or it can involve using a set of straps to secure them to a bed or chair. If you feel that restraining a person is necessary, you should call emergency services immediately while documenting the situation.

CPR and First Aid for Someone Who Can’t Breath

If a person’s breathing has stopped for any reason, you should perform CPR. You should perform chest compressions so that blood is pumped to the brain and lungs, and you should also check for a pulse to make sure the person isn’t simply asleep.

How to Handle an Animal Bite

Animals at work or school can be unpredictable, and they’re often carriers of dangerous diseases. If you’re unlucky enough to be bitten by an animal, you should wash the bite area with soap and water, then apply a tourniquet above the bite. If you can, put the animal in a secure location and call emergency services as soon as possible.


Working or going to school can be dangerous, but with the right knowledge, you can help people in need. It’s important to know what the most critical first aid treatments are when someone is injured, especially if they can’t get the help they need from a professional. With the right supplies and knowledge, you can help anyone in need.