In the event that you or someone you know ever sustains a serious injury, there are several things that they’ll need from you if they’re to have any chance of recovery. Fortunately there are many products out there that can help people in this situation, and most of them are readily available from most drug stores or online retailers. There are many first aid kits that are compact and easy to carry around with you, or even built into your car. However, these kits are often limited in their scope, or don’t have the specific items that someone may need for a certain type of injury. For example, if you’re at a rock concert and someone sustains a nasty fall, a general first aid kit may not have bandages or splints that are specific to their injuries (such as a broken leg or arm). In this blog post we’ll explain what supplies you should have on hand in case of these types of injuries.


First and foremost, water is an absolute necessity in any survival situation or disaster. Even if you have food and shelter, without enough water to drink, you’re going to suffer dehydration and likely die.Water is a universal solvent and can help clean wounds, flush out your system, and even be used in cooking and cleaning. In most cases, you’ll want to store your water in a bottle or canteen for easy access and portability.If you need to purify your water, there are a number of different methods available. If you’re in a survival situation, purifying your water with a filter is your best bet. While you can filter your water with a cloth or cloth-like material, a filter is a much more effective and reliable method.


Sand is a great option for cleaning wounds, or to use as a bandage. While it may not seem like it would be as effective as something like a band-aid, sand actually has a number of benefits.Sand is non-toxic, and it’s even commonly used for first aid in some cultures. Sand can help prevent infections and promote quicker healing, and can be just as useful as a band aid.Sand is especially useful for cleaning wounds that may be dirty, as it’s a great way to get the dirt out. It’s also much better than just water at cleaning wounds, and it’s much less likely to encourage bacterial infections.


While sand is great for cleaning wounds, gauze is better suited for covering wounds. Gauze is an extremely soft material that can be used to cover open wounds, such as a cut, or protect a sensitive part of your body.While sand can help clean wounds, it’s very abrasive and can actually damage a wound more than it helps. Gauze is much less abrasive than sand, and is often used to cover wounds that may be prone to infections.

Medical tape

Medical tape is used for a variety of things, including covering open wounds, keeping bandages in place, and even for splinting. Medical tape can be cut to almost any size or shape, and is incredibly useful in a survival situation.If you’re going to be using medical tape as a splint, make sure to cover it with something to protect it from germs and dirt. Wrapping it in gauze or cloth is a good idea.

Antiseptic and antibacterial agents

In order to prevent infections, you’ll want to clean your wounds before covering them with gauze or bandaging them. While you can use sand, water, and even your own saliva to clean wounds, it’s a lot easier to use antiseptic or antibacterial agents.Antiseptic and antibacterial agents are better at cleaning wounds than sand or water, and are often used for cleaning wounds that are prone to infections. They’re also non-toxic and can be used even in extreme circumstances. While you can make your own antiseptic agent by mixing baking soda and water, most drug stores will sell premade antiseptic cleaning solutions.


In addition to being used to measure body temperature, a thermometer can be used to measure boiling water. This can come in very handy if you need to make a pot of tea, but want to make sure the water is at the correct temperature.While you can buy a regular old cooking thermometer, you can also buy a special medical thermometer that is specifically for measuring body temperature. If you’re in a survival situation or disaster, you should keep a thermometer in your first aid kit.


The best way to avoid injuries is to prepare for them. While there are many things we can do to prevent injuries, there are also things we can do to prepare for them. Keeping a first aid kit on hand and ready to go is one of the best ways to be prepared for injuries.If you want to make sure your first aid kit is up to date and ready to use, you can test it out before a disaster or survival situation.