Stomachaches are common ailments that most people experience at some point in their lives. They can cause you a lot of stress and can be very inconvenient. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat stomachaches that don’t require antibiotics or other medications that could possibly make things worse. If you’re having a stomachache, itching, bloating, or an upset stomach, this article will give you some helpful advice on what you can do to treat it and get rid of it as quickly as possible. A stomachache can be caused by a variety of things like stress, eating too much or too quickly, taking certain medications, or even drinking alcohol. Luckily, there are several ways to treat a stomachache so you don’t have to suffer too long or go through unnecessary pain.

Watch what you eat.

First things first: It’s very important to keep track of what you’re eating to see if there’s a pattern to when you have a stomachache. If you’re eating the same things every time you get a stomachache, you know to stay away from them. Many people experience stomachaches due to eating red meat, fried foods, or foods that are high in fat. It’s because your stomach is not meant to process those foods and causes an upset stomach. You can also try to keep track of when your stomach hurts by using a journal or keeping track of how often this happens.

Change your diet.

If you’re having a stomachache, it’s important to change your diet to see if that helps. Some foods that can cause stomachaches include dairy, caffeine, and sugar. There are also many foods that can help with a stomachache like oatmeal, yogurt, and smoothies. There’s also various teas that can help ease a stomachache.


If you’re experiencing a stomachache, it’s important to get out of bed and exercise. Many people experience stomachaches after strenuous exercise, so be sure to avoid that if you have a stomachache. If you have a stomachache, it’s best to go for low-impact exercises like yoga and walking. If you have a stomachache, you need to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water because you’re dehydrating your body. Dehydration can lead to a variety of issues from stomach cramps to headaches. Dehydration can also cause your skin to dry out and look a little aged.

Migraine medication.

Migraines have many different treatments, but one of those treatments is medication. There are a variety of different types of medication that can help with stomachaches, but you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication. There are many different types of medication that can help with stomachaches, but there are also a variety of over-the-counter painkillers like Advil and Aleve that can help with a stomachache.

Pain relievers.

There are many different types of pain relievers that can help with stomachaches, but you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication. There are many different types of pain relievers that can help with stomachaches, but there are also a variety of over-the-counter painkillers like Advil and Aleve that can help with a stomachache. If you have a stomachache, you should also try to drink a lot of water because water can help ease the pain.

Stress relief.

There are many ways to relieve stress, but one of them is by having a warm bath. There are a variety of ways to relieve stress that don’t involve drugs, so if you’re feeling stressed out, you don’t have to take drugs to feel better. There are also a variety of yoga poses that can help you relieve stress.

Tummy Tickler

Another method of treating a stomachache is the use of a Tummy Tickler. This tool is a small roller that you can use to massage your stomach and relieve stomach ulcers. This tool is great for people who want to avoid using chemicals or pills to treat their stomachaches.


There are many different ways to treat a stomachache, but it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t suffer too long. The best way to treat a stomachache is to keep track of what you’re eating and change your diet if necessary. Be sure to drink plenty of water and exercise to help ease the pain.