When it comes to first aid, there are a lot of common misconceptions out there. Many people mistakenly believe that only basic treatments will help an injured person, while others think that all first aid kits are exactly the same. For example, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that around 60% of Americans don't know that carbon monoxide poisoning cannot be treated with baking soda, and almost a third believe that ice will prevent frostbite even if it's applied after 30 minutes! So what are the most common first aid myths and misconceptions? Read on to learn more about these common misconceptions, and how you can correct them to be more prepared during an emergency.

You don’t need a first aid kit if you have a first aid class card

This is one of the most common misconceptions about first aid, especially with people who have never needed to use it. Many people believe that first aid kits are only needed by people who have never taken a class and learned how to administer it. But in fact, you should have a first aid kit in your car, home, and workplace just in case of an emergency. You can learn many of these basic skills by attending a first aid training course, but it’s important to have some basic supplies at home in case you’re ever in an unplanned situation.

You need to be a doctor to administer first aid

This is another common misconception about first aid. While you do need to be certified to administer first aid, there are many basics that anyone can do to help a person in need. In fact, even children can help with simple first aid procedures. Some simple treatments that anyone can do include applying pressure to a wound, making a splint, or using a tourniquet to stop bleeding. If you’re unsure of what to do, there are many websites and apps that can help you determine what to do in various situations. If you don’t know what to do, it’s better to do nothing than to cause further harm by doing something harmful.

You don’t need to use sterile bandages or gauze

In many first aid situations, you don’t need sterile bandages or gauze. For example, if a person has a small cut on their finger, you probably don’t need to use a sterile bandage to wrap it. In fact, in many cases, you don’t need to use any bandages at all. Instead, you can use things like gauze pads, or even your shirt to cover the wound. It’s also important to remember that certain conditions like burns and wounds sustained through animal bites require sterile bandages.

An injury will become more severe if you don’t seek medical help immediately

In some cases, an injury can become more severe if you don’t seek medical help immediately. For example, if you have a wound that doesn’t start to bleed, you should seek medical help. If it starts to bleed, it could become a serious situation. Other injuries, like broken bones or even a heart attack, can become more severe if you don’t seek medical help. It’s important to note, however, that not all injuries need immediate medical attention. In fact, many injuries can often be treated at home without needing to go to the hospital. So it’s important to only seek medical attention if you’re in pain or notice something abnormal about your condition.

If you have a splinter, you should remove it with salt water

In most first aid guides, you’ll see that removing splinters with salt water is not a good idea. Instead, you should use tweezers or a needle to remove a splinter. Salt water can actually cause a splinter to migrate deeper into your skin, which can be very painful and difficult to treat. If you have a splinter, the best thing to do is clean the wound with soap and water, and then use tweezers or a needle to extract the splinter, being careful not to cause more pain.

If you have a headache, you should be laying down in a dark room

Most people know that you should never try to treat a headache by covering your eyes and laying in a dark room, and this isn’t just a first aid myth. In fact, if you have a headache, the best thing to do is to stay in a seated position and stay away from things that might cause you to lose consciousness. You can also use a cold compress to ease the pain.


These are a few of the most common first aid myths and misconceptions out there. While some of them are true, others are just not accurate. While it’s important to know what to do in a first aid situation, it’s also important not to panic. Panicking in a situation like this can make the situation even more dangerous, and make it much more difficult to help the person in need.