First aid is the practice of providing initial treatment to someone who is injured before medical help arrives. First aid is designed to stabilize and care for an injury until the injured person gets to a hospital or other proper care center. The goal of first aid is to reduce the amount of damage done by an injury so that the injured person can recover more quickly and with less pain. The sooner that an injury is treated, the sooner that the person can begin to recover from their injury. This article covers some common injuries and their first aid treatments. For example, if a person has a deep cut in their hand from an accident, you can apply a bandage to stop the bleeding and prevent further injury from bacteria. The following are examples of first aid treatments for some common injuries:

Cuts and Lacerations

A common injury that can be treated with first aid is a cut or a laceration. Cuts are usually caused by a blade that is sharp and has cut through the skin. A laceration is a cut that is deeper than the skin, usually caused by a sharp or broken piece of metal, wood, or another hard object.The first thing you should do is stop the bleeding. Apply pressure to the cut or laceration to stop the bleeding. You can do this by using a clean cloth or towel. Apply pressure with a dry cloth first, and then add water to the wet cloth if necessary. You can also use clean gauze pads in place of a clean cloth. Apply pressure to the wound, and cover the wound with a dry cloth.


Burns are one of the most common injuries treated with first aid. There are many types of burns, but they all require the same type of treatment. The first thing to do is cool the burn, so that the skin does not become further damaged. You can do this by using cool water or ice, or spraying the burn with a cool mist. Keep the burn covered to prevent infection. If the skin is burned, clean it with antibacterial soap and water.After cooling the burn, cover it with a clean gauze pad or bandage. The gauze pad should be changed often to prevent the burn from sticking to the bandage.

Sprained Ankle

Sprained ankles are fairly common injuries that are treated with first aid. If you suspect that someone has a sprained ankle, you can use a splint to keep the injured ankle in a slightly bent position to reduce the amount of pain.A sprained ankle can be treated with a cold pack to reduce the swelling and pain. Place the cold pack on the ankle for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day to help reduce swelling and pain. If the cold pack does not provide enough relief, you can use an ice pack. Put an ice pack on the ankle for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day to reduce swelling and pain.A sprained ankle can also be treated with an over the counter ankle brace or an ankle brace you make yourself. An ankle brace can help the ankle heal faster by keeping the joint in a slightly bent position. Keep the brace on the ankle as often as possible. A sprained ankle can take a few weeks to fully heal.


A whiplash injury can be painful and difficult to treat. A whiplash injury occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward and backward suddenly. If you suspect that someone has a whiplash injury, you should apply a cold pack to the affected area to reduce the pain. You can also use an over the counter pain reliever to relieve the pain.

Wounds Without a Clean Cut or Lacerations

A wound without a clean cut or lacerations is called a puncture wound. A puncture wound can be caused by a sharp piece of metal, a nail, or another sharp object. A puncture wound can be very serious. If the wound is from a piece of metal, it can cause a serious infection. If the wound is from a nail, it can cause the finger or toe to become very infected. The treatment for a puncture wound depends on the cause of the wound. If the wound is from a piece of metal, clean the wound with antibacterial soap and water. After cleaning the wound, cover it with a clean bandage or gauze pad.If the wound is from a nail, clean the wound with antibacterial soap and water. After cleaning the wound, apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound. If the finger or toe is red and swollen, you should go to the doctor for antibiotic treatment.


First aid is the practice of providing initial treatment to someone who is injured before medical help arrives. The goal of first aid is to reduce the amount of damage done to an injury so that the injured person can recover more quickly and with less pain. The sooner that an injury is treated, the sooner that the person can begin to recover from their injury. This article covers some common injuries and their first aid treatments. For example, if a person has a deep cut in their hand from an accident, you can apply a bandage to stop the bleeding and prevent further injury from bacteria. The following are examples of first aid treatments for some common injuries: Cuts and Lacerations; Burns; Sprained Ankle; Whiplash; Wounds Without a Clean Cut or Lacerations.