A sprained ankle is a common injury that typically happens when you suddenly roll your ankle. You probably know what it feels like to have one—pain, swelling, and difficulty moving your foot or ankle.A sprained ankle can be a serious injury that can sideline you from work and other activities for a few days. It is important to see a doctor and follow their recommendations so that the sprain heals properly and you can return to your normal activities as soon as possible without further injuring it further. There are many ways to treat a sprained ankle but there is no best way or one path that is best for everyone. Each person’s situation is unique so it’s important to understand the different ways of treating it before making a decision on what will work best for you. Here are some of the different ways you can treat a sprained ankle:

Go to the Doctor

If you have a sprained ankle, it is important to see a doctor. They can examine your ankle and recommend the best treatment for you.This may include applying ice or heat to the injury, putting a cast on it, or recommending physical therapy. You can also use these treatments at home before seeing your doctor if you have to take a break from work.If you have a high-impact injury with swelling, they may recommend applying a splint or walking boot to support your ankle and keep it immobile. A splint is made of material that wraps around your ankle and extends to your lower leg. A walking boot is a hard shell that covers your entire foot and ankle.Both of these treatments can help immobilize your ankle and keep it from moving. This will prevent you from aggravating the injury and making it worse.

Use a Heel Drop

A heel drop is when you place your foot on a surface and then drop your heel to stretch the calf muscle and ankle joint. Doing this may help reduce the pain from a sprained ankle and strengthen the ankle joint.This is a common injury in sports like basketball, soccer, running, and tennis. It can be caused by sudden changes in direction, losing your balance, or landing on your foot. To prevent spraining your ankle, you should be aware of the types of movements that can cause it and make an effort to change your movements if they increase your risk of spraining your ankle.You can try to change your movements so that you don’t put as much strain on your ankle. You can also use a heel drop to stretch your calf and ankle, reduce the pain, and strengthen these areas.

Apply Cold and/or Heat

When you have a sprained ankle, it is important to avoid ice, heating pads, and other things that might make the injury worse. However, there are times when these treatments can help.If your ankle is swollen and you are experiencing pain, you can apply ice to the injured area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. You can also use a cold compress, which is a bag filled with ice, for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.You can also use a heating pad. There is conflicting information on whether heating pads can actually help injuries or not. However, if you do want to use it, you should do so for a short period of time.The hotter the pad, the more pain relief it will provide. It is important to make sure that you do not stay in one place too long or the heat will make the injury worse.

Strengthen the Ankle with an Apparatus

If you have an ankle-foot orthosis, it is important to use it as directed. They are typically used to treat chronic ankle instability.Ankle-foot orthoses are braces that can help support your ankle and decrease its motion. They are usually worn at night and are often custom-made.You can also wrap an ankle brace around your ankle and hold it in place with a bandage. This can help support your ankle and reduce its motion.If you have a sprained ankle, you should limit the amount of weight you put on it to help it heal. You should also use an ankle-foot orthosis if you have chronic ankle instability. This will help support your ankle and decrease its motion. If you have an ankle-foot orthosis, you should use it as directed.

Rest and/or Stay Off Your Feet

If you have a sprained ankle, it is important to rest your ankle and avoid putting weight on it. If you have a cast, you can rest your ankle inside of it. If you don’t have a cast, you can use an ankle brace to support your ankle and rest it.You should also avoid putting weight on your ankle until it heals. You should not try to walk on it or put any pressure on it until it has completely healed.While resting, you should keep your ankle elevated as much as possible to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. This can be done by using an air-mattress or a sling.


A sprained ankle is a common injury that typically happens when you suddenly roll your ankle. You probably know what it feels like to have one: pain, swelling, and difficulty moving your foot or ankle. A sprained ankle can be a serious injury that can sideline you from work and other activities for a few days. It is important to see a doctor and follow their recommendations so that the sprain heals properly and you can return to your normal activities as soon as possible without further injuring it further.There are many ways to treat a sprained ankle but there is no best way or one path that is best for everyone. Each person’s situation is unique so it’s important to understand the different ways of treating it before making a decision on what will work best for you.