In the event of an emergency, first aid can help save the lives of humans and pets in addition to those of bystanders. A first aid kit or supplies that are kept nearby can make a big difference in times of crisis. If you own pets and live in an area where wild animals roam free, it’s important to have a first aid kit that can be used on both humans and animals. Whether you have a dog, cat, bird, fish, reptile, or other pet species, there are likely some first aid treatments that are applicable to both species. An integrated pet first aid kit should include supplies for humans and animals alike, such as gauze pads, bandages, disinfectant, and splints for broken limbs. Here is an overview of some first aid kits for animals and how they can help during an emergency.

Wounds and bites

When someone is injured, first aid responders often have them lie down in order to keep the wound clean. If the injury is on a limb, however, the person may find it difficult to do so. A pet bite can also be difficult to treat while lying down. That's why it's good to have supplies that can be applied while the injured person is seated. First aid kits for pets should contain gauze pads, cleaning supplies, and bandages that can be used to treat wounds, bites, and other injuries. These kits are also helpful if pets are kept in crates and are able to climb around. If an animal is injured while in a cage, they may be less likely to bite someone who can't get close enough to help. But even if they don't bite, it may still be necessary to treat the injury as soon as possible so it doesn't become infected.


Bleeding can be a serious issue for pets, especially if they are young or have been spayed or neutered. If a dog or cat has been injured and starts to bleed, you can use a tourniquet to stop the flow of blood. Tourniquets are used to control blood flow in humans, but there are also many pet-specific tourniquets available. Some use a band of fabric, while others are made from materials such as rope or elastic. If you don't have a pet first aid kit, try to find something that will work to control the flow of blood. If the dog or cat has been bitten by another animal, the tourniquet can help stop the flow of blood from the wound while you are waiting for emergency medical assistance.

Heart attack and stroke

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an essential part of first aid that can help you save the life of someone who has suffered a cardiac or respiratory arrest. If you have a dog or cat with a history of cardiac issues, you should have a plan in place for how to perform CPR, as well as how to call for emergency assistance. Some of the supplies you might need include a pet first aid bag with a pet-sized mask and a bag valve mask, which is a device that can be used to administer oxygen to someone who has stopped breathing, as well as an automated external defibrillator (AED). AEDs are often used to treat cardiac events in animals, but they can also be used on pets with a history of epilepsy or cardiac issues. If you have a pet with a history of epilepsy, be sure to store the AED separately from the pet first aid bag.

Fractures and burns

If a pet has suffered a broken bone or a burn, rapid first aid can help prevent further injury and complications. If a pet has a broken leg, splint it as soon as possible to reduce the amount of damage. For burns, apply a cool compress to the area to reduce pain. You can use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables to provide the cooling effect and prevent the progression of the burn. If a pet has suffered a serious injury, it may be necessary to bring the animal to the veterinary clinic for treatment. But in the event of an emergency, you can still provide the pet with basic first aid until help can arrive.

Final thoughts

A first aid kit can help you save lives in the event of an emergency, whether it involves a human, pet, or both. It’s important to have a plan in place for how to respond to an emergency, as well as supplies that can help you with this effort. It’s best to keep a pet first aid kit in a place that is easily accessible in case of an emergency, such as a closet or a drawer.